North America’s Premier Molding and Moldmaking Event

P&Y Management Resources Offers Free Business Assessment

To help celebrate MoldMaking Technology’s 25th anniversary, MMT readers can get in contact with Lewis Yasenchak, senior plastics consultant at P&Y Management Resources, for a free assessment.

Grace Nehls, Former MMT Editor


Photo Credit: Getty Images

To help celebrate MoldMaking Technology’s 25 successful years, Lewis Yasenchak, senior plastics consultant at P&Y Management Resources, is offering MMT readers a free assessment.

“I want to thank MMT personally for the excellent topics over the years on keeping up with engineering, building and maintaining a safe, first-class mold building and molding shop,” Yasenchak says. “The MMT ‘hands-on magazine’ since its beginning has been the number one training tool for my clients across the United States.”

Yasenchak has written more than 45 papers and blogs on “Keeping Up With ISO” over the years to help small mold builder and molders across the U.S. stay in business. He specializes in building and improving the plastics industry supply chain.

According to Yasenchak, plastic injection molders should implement the following total quality management (TQM) framework to become 20% more efficient: 

  • Review, develop and implement changes to existing processes designed to improve sales, product quality, productivity and overall equipment efficiency. Reducing cost and waste = increased productivity and profitability.
  • Train and mentor sales staff, production personnel on process enhancement and troubleshooting methodology.
  • Follow Deming’s 14 points for management.
  • Lean manufacturing, ISO certification and employee quality certification.

To learn more about the free assessment, contact Lewis Yasenchack at 706-694-2977 or via email

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