North America’s Premier Molding and Moldmaking Event

Tradeshow Tuesday: Coming Up at NPE2018

Cruise through this week’s slideshow to see more of what’s coming up at NPE2018.



NPE2018 is in 27 days! Twenty-seven days. By now, you are likely hashing out the details of your trip and doing things like downloading the show app, loading up a schedule in using the show floor planner, investigating restaurants and other cool Orlando spots to check out while you are in town. Check out this week’s technology slideshow to see some of what will be on display, so you can make plans to stop by while you are on the show floor.

Gearing up for NPE2018? Be sure to check out the NPE Zone, where you can find up-to-date information on show news, products, blogs and stories from Gardner editors covering the event. PLASTICS has lots of exciting new exhibits and features at the 2018 show, so be sure to check out the NPE Zone so you can plan accordingly.

Featured in this week’s slideshow are products and collaborations from Synventive, Mold Craft Inc., Wittmann Battenfeld, Hasco, MHS, AMBA, RUD Chain, Uddeholm and Cold Jet.

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