
Grant Money Available for Qualified Plastics Industry Education Programs

Know of a worthy, plastics-industry-related educational program that could use some funding? The SPE Mold Technologies Division is calling for grant applications now through January 30!


There are more and more vocational technical programs that are dedicated to plastics industry-related careers springing up across North America. It’s like the industry is finally experiencing a rebirth of perceived importance outside of our manufacturing community—and it should. Some programs, which I wrote about last year (for example, “Getting Real About Manufacturing Education”), are well funded by a variety of sources, while others can use a little help. Society of Plastics Engineers, Inc. (SPE) Mold Technologies Division has announced that it is accepting applications for three grants, each in the amount of $2,500, for the 2017/2018 school year.

Greg Osborn of Synventive Molding Solutions and SPE Mold Technologies Division education chair, says the division “is looking for qualified vocational technical programs within high school or college settings that are interested in applying for one of the three grants. Eligible programs will have curriculums that benefit and produce skilled employee candidates for careers in the plastics industry—particularly in mold manufacturing and related areas.”

The Mold Technologies Division’s mission statement underlines its most important goals: “The Mold Technologies Division exists to foster growth in the moldmaking and design profession by encouraging the training of moldmakers at the apprentice level, supporting the continuing development of established moldmakers, and by gathering and exchanging information on materials and mold performance.”

This grant program is one way the SPE division works to support our sector of the industry. “We believe the grants will provide much-needed extra funds that will help enhance students’ learning experiences, and provide a pathway toward a brighter future in the plastics industry,” Osborn says.

The deadline for grant application submissions is Tuesday, January 30. Interested program administrators and instructors should email Mr. Osborn at gosborn@synventive.com with any questions or to obtain an application form. You can also download the form here.

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