Progressive Components

Using Coolant to Ramp up RPM

Newly available from Ingersoll Cutting Tools, this auxiliary spindle offers an alternative to designs driven by planetary gears, air or electricity.


Attendees to Ingersoll’s recent Die & Mold seminar got a first-hand look at the Typhoon HSM coolant-driven spindle (photo courtesy of Ingersoll Cutting Tools).

When spindle speed isn’t sufficient to drive smaller cutters at the recommended parameters, auxiliary spindles can be a viable alternative to a new machine. Given that different spindle designs have different advantages and limitations, it’s worth reviewing available options—particularly when there’s a new kid in town.

Baruch Brooks, vice president of sales and marketing at Colibri Spindle Technology, gave a presentation on a product called the Typhoon HSM at Ingersoll Cutting Tools’ recent Die & Mold Seminar, an annual, day-and-a-half-long series of educational presentations and live demonstrations that was well-worth attending. In contrast to mechanical, pneumatic or electric designs, the Israeli company’s device is driven entirely by coolant flow. As of this summer, it is marketed and distributed in the United States through Ingersoll.

The Typhoon HSM can mount on any milling or turning machine with through-spindle coolant, and the full line currently supports tool shank diameters ranging to 0.236” (6 mm). Users simply turn off the machine spindle and ramp up the pressure to drive tools at variable, controllable speeds. Three available models offer speeds ranging to 20,000, 30,000 and 40,000 rpm, respectively, at 20 bar coolant pump pressure (increasing pressure and flow rate boosts rotational speed and power output). Each ships with a wireless receiver that monitors rpm and mounts magnetically to the machine, or any other convenient location within 3 meters of the spindle. The spindle itself is designed to mount within the tool magazine like any other cutter, and it is said to offer runout of less than 1 micron.

For more information, visit Colibri’s website—and be sure to check out the spindle in person at Ingersoll’s IMTS booth W-1822.

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