September Digital Edition Is Available
This month features articles on how to justify an EDM upgrade, data-driven moldmaking, aluminum tooling, strategies for closing the skills gap, and much more. Check out these five great tips from this issue.
Super Speed Superfast jump speeds are only useful for small electrodes. As electrodes get larger, the hydraulic forces increase exponentially. A good machine should take into account surface area and adjust jump speed to prevent electrode damage. PG 14
All-in-One Cloud-based marketing automation software can create an integrated digital platform for inbound marketing, outbound marketing, web hosting, search engine optimization and marketing analytics. PG 20
Design Differently When making an aluminum mold it is necessary to adjust the design of parting lines and the part’s periphery to help distribute the tonnage of the machine. PG 26
Data Points It is vital for leadership to understand the current state of a business and then dig into the operational data. A good way to start is to look at current business data and establish a set of operational and sales data points that can be used to set the overall business strategy. PG 30
Getting Real For youth and parents to see what modern manufacturing looks like authentic, hands-on, experiential learning that goes beyond what most high schools and middle schools currently include in their curricula is necessary. PG 32
There is much more in this month's issue, including our monthly case study and tip of the month, as well as about Under the Scope, Keeping Up with ISO and The Bottom Line columns. It also features more on IMTS technology that will be on display.
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