North America’s Premier Molding and Moldmaking Event

Save the Date: MFG DAY 2015

Despite still feeling the heat of summer, fall is on its way and that means Manufacturing Day is not far off, so mark your calendars and get involved!


Manufacturing Day (MFG DAY) occurs the first Friday in October each year. This year that falls on October 2, 2015.  According to organizers, this annual event is a celebration of modern manufacturing, which is meant to inspire the next generation of manufacturers.

This day gives manufacturers an opportunity to open their doors and show, in a solid coordinated effort, what manufacturing is really all about! The goal is to continue addressing the skilled labor shortage by informing and inspiring our future generation of manufacturers.

So open your doors and hold an open house in your community. We've even created some tools you can show during your events. Click here for videos and other teaching tools to get kids and parents excited about manufacturing careers. If you have a unique way that your comapny is opening its doors, email me so I can help get the word out for you! 

If you are unable to host an event of your own, promote other events in your area.



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North America’s Premier Molding and Moldmaking Event
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