North America’s Premier Molding and Moldmaking Event

Seeing (and Touching) Is Believing on This Augmented-Reality Tour

IMTS visitors can see and touch measurement and inspection technologies during a guided tour at Marposs’ booth.


Visitors have plenty to see and touch during a guided tour at Marposs that demonstrates quality across the entire production process using its measurement and inspection solutions.

The tour begins at the foundry and ends at final inspection. Each station mimics various manufacturing operations via live demonstrations, touchscreen monitors, and video tours. “Our booth is designed to provide a seamless experience across the manufacturing continuum, illustrating how Marposs products can be employed to improve part manufacturing and process quality at each step of production,” says Gary Sicheneder, manager of new market development.

  1. At the machining station, visitors learn about tool setting, probing and machine monitoring. A FANUC robot is loading and unloading a part from a FANUC Robodrill machine and transferring it to a gaging station where Marposs demonstrates dimensional inspection with a gaging system and touch probe.
  2. From machining, the tour moves to grinding, featuring wheel balancing, in-process ID/ OD gaging stations and Aeroel in-line centerless grinding solutions. This station is also demonstrating the BLÚ single-cable machine networking solution that is part of Marposs’ Industry 4.0 smart factory initiative.
  3. After the metal cutting sequence, it’s time for measurement and inspection of the finished product. Here, visitors get a taste of augmented reality (AR)-guided sequence gaging using the Marposs iWave2 handheld wireless gage and a Go/NoGo gage. This station also features the new ConFocal non-contact, high-resolution gaging system for distance and thickness measurement of almost any surface.
  4. Next, it’s onto bench gaging where visitors are experiencing the new Super-MECLAB+.T40 high-accuracy, laser gaging system in action. This system measures cylindrical component diameters.

Other stations in the booth feature the OptoQuick and OptoFlash flexible automated inspection and measurement systems for controlling several machines that are manufacturing different parts within the same production area, and leak testing on an electric vehicle battery, a blood filter, and a watch case.

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