Progressive Components

It's Not for Me

Almost every time I speak with a moldmaker about their ERP, scheduling or quoting software, they say that what is on the market is not specific enough for what they do, and they end up developing their own solution. Well, here are five questions to ask to learn if it is time to change your ERP solution.


Enterprise resource planning designed specifically for manufacturing operations can include supply chain management and finance, manufacturing resource planning, human resources and operations managements, says Microsoft Dynamics.


Almost every time I speak with a moldmaker about their ERP, scheduling or quoting software, they say that what is on the market is not specific enough for what they do, and they end up developing their own solution. 

An email I received recently from Microsoft Dynamics stated that according to Mint Jutras--an independent research-based consulting firm that specializes in analyzing the business impact of enterprise applications--67 percent of businesses reported that they need a solution with more industry-specific functionality than their current ERP system gives them. In addition, 23 percent said they are unable to grow their business as quickly as they would like and believe this is because they lack the tools they need in their current ERP solution. 

Well, here are five questions to ask to learn if it is time to change your ERP solution.

1. Are your reporting processes slowing down your organizations decision making ability?
2. Are information and important data accessible across your organization?
3. Are your employees inundated with manual administrative tasks?
4. Do you find your current system is lagging behind when it comes to industry specific requirements?
5. Is your system affecting the productivity of your employees?
The answers to these questions are important because as your shop continues to grow you need the right tools to manage it. In addition to the information here from Microsoft Dynamics, check out past coverage on finding the right ERP solution on MMT's website. 

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