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Transitioning from Standard Moldmaking to a Mold Mfg Process

The three drivers, according to Rexam Mold Manufacturing, to making the move from traditional moldmaking to mold manufacturing are speed, consistency and cost. This and other automation and robotics applications and solutions will be featured and discussed during an upcoming TMA Supplier Network event. This video gives a sneak peek.


The three drivers, according to Rexam Mold Manufacturing, to making the move from traditional moldmaking to mold manufacturing are speed, consistency and cost. This video highlights some of the automation and robotics to be featured and discussed during an upcoming TMA Supplier Network event. 

The Supplier Network Committee of the TMA is presenting a panel of experts on automation and robotics at the Mazak Technology Center in Schaumburg on May 15, 2014. At the "Business After Hours" event, refreshments will be served and guests will have the opportunity to see the latest machines operating at Mazak. The event is from 5:30 - 8:30 and includes Len Graham - Rexam Mold Manufacturing; Brian Pelke - Kay Manufacturing; Michael Hahn - RR Floody; Bill Angsten - Compass Automation; Jeff Angsten - Shopware; Steve Kase - ASK Products. A short presentation will be given by Scott Miller, Interim Director of the new Digital Lab in Chicago. 

See the short video here.

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