
MMT Chats: 5 in 5 with Intex Tooling Technologies

For this MMT Chat: 5 in 5—that’s 5 best practices in five minutes on ways to improve efficiencies—I chat with Robert Graup,  Toolroom Manager for Intex Tooling in Ontario Canada. This episode is brought to you by ISCAR with New Ideas for Machining Intelligently.


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MMT Chats: 5 in 5 with Intex Tooling Technologies

This episode is brought to you by ISCAR with New Ideas for Machining Intelligently.

For this MMT Chat: 5 in 5—that’s 5 best practices in five minutes on ways to improve efficiencies—I chat with Robert Graup,  Toolroom Manager for Intex Tooling in Ontario Canada, who is also a new MMT editorial advisory board (EAB) member.

Here are his five quick answers in a nutshell (watch the quick 5-minute video for his full answers):

  1. How do you create and maintain an employee centered culture?

Graup: First and foremost, you need to empower your people, and allow them to make the decisions, to bring the projects online, and the autonomy to make decisions.

  1. What are your top three best technology, investments, and why?

Graup: Laser technology in sintering and machining,

automated lights out five-axis technology, training our people.

  1. What is your latest process improvement?

Graup: The latest process improvement on- machine verification.

  1. How do you measure success?

Graup: Customer satisfaction, profitability, on time delivery and. machine metrics to understand how we're doing overall on the job.

  1. How do you remain competitive?

Graup:  We're a small enough company that we can react and change direction or change.

Watch the full video chat above, and for more of our archived MMT Chat conversations, click here.

This episode is brought to you by ISCAR with New Ideas for Machining Intelligently.

To access our MMT Chats playlist, click here.

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