
Post Processor Optimizes CNC Five-Axis Capabilities 

Mastercam’s new post processor unlocks faster and more accurate “art to part” FANUC CNC capabilities.

Grace Nehls, Former MMT Editor


FANUC 30i-B Plus five-axis screen.

Photo Credit: FANUC America

Automation solutions provider FANUC America and CNC Software, CAM systems provider of Mastercam, introduce a new post processor designed to optimize FANUC CNC five-axis capabilities. The new post processor reportedly enables advanced machine tool operators to reduce their cycle times while boosting part accuracy, particularly for CAD/CAM-generated five-axis simultaneous contouring part processes. Further, machine tools will be able to produce parts—modeled in the CAD system—more precisely.

According to Rick Schultz, aerospace program manager for FANUC America, for five-axis simultaneous contouring, a quality CAD/CAM system is critical. Thus, both companies developed a post processor that makes it easier for programmers to create optimal tool paths using the advanced algorithms available in the five-axis Milling Standard Package for FANUC’s 30i-B and 30i-B Plus Series controls.

Key functions in the Milling Standard Package for FANUC controls include Tool Center Point (TCP), Workpiece Setting, Error Compensation (WSEC), Easy Setting Function to support multiple acceleration and process profiles and advanced look-ahead algorithms AICC II with Smooth Tolerance Control+. 

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