
CMM Programming Software Features Five-Axis Infinite Positioning 

Infinite positioning, a highlight of Verisurf Software’s CMM Programming & Inspection Suite, enables continuous motion, optimizes part access and provides high-accuracy part measurements.

Grace Nehls, Former MMT Editor


Source | Verisurf Sofware Inc.

Verisurf Software Inc. highlights how its coordinate measuring machine (CMM) programming solution with full-featured CAD enhances CMM pathing to optimize both programming and cycle times, making features like five-axis CMM infinite positioning more productive and cost-effective.

Infinite positioning is an aspect of five-axis CMM probing technology that provides increased productivity, greater flexibility in job setup and more optimized use of the CMM’s working volume. Furthermore, it is said to guarantee optimal feature access, minimizing stylus changes. Simultaneous motion allows larger parts to be measured on the five-axis enabled CMM by minimizing the space required around the part for head rotation

Importantly, the probe automatically aligns itself with the part coordinate system, helping to avoid collisions and some of the headaches that might come from excessive fixturing positions of the part. Five-axis motion eliminates time spent indexing the head. Together, these speed increases typically result in a three-fold improvement in throughput over conventional systems. Five-axis also reduces the need for special fixturing to enable access to difficult to reach part features.

According to Verisurf, its CMM Programming & Inspection Suite reduces inspection plan setup from hours to minutes with almost no learning curve. It: 

  • Automates quality processes with repeatable measurement plans for a majority of portable, manual or programable CMM.
  • Teaches programs or creates them from CAD for measurable reduction in programming time and process execution.
  • Run CMMs with Renishaw, Mitutoyo, Hexagon, Zeiss or Pantec controllers, creates reports and connects to quality databases.

Moreover, it supports five-axis CMMs with distinctive motion control techniques and surface finish probe (SFP) and REVO ultrasonic probe (RUP) sensors. Other features and advancements include five-axis inferred calibration, head touches and others. 

A Verisurf Offline CMM Programming Suite is also available to create CMM programs offline on a standalone workstation.

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