Data Flute

Where Do You Get Your Information?

More importantly, how do your colleagues, customers and competitors stay up-to-date on the latest technology and industry developments? The annual “Media Use in Manufacturing” survey aims to find out.



It’s been at least a few years since MoldMaking Technology’s publisher changed its name from Gardner Publications to Gardner Business Media, a moniker that not only better represents the company’s mission, but also reflects seismic shifts in how people communicate. Consider that you are reading this on a blog, which is in turn hosted on a Web site that offers videos, webinars, and other content types beyond the articles that appear in print. Perhaps you also follow us on Twitter or Facebook. Maybe you subscribe to the MMT Insider e-newsletter, or you enjoy the convenience of reading the magazine in a digital format. Or maybe you know someone who reads only the print magazine—and there’s nothing wrong with that. There’s definitely something to be said for flipping through physical pages and discovering something that you otherwise never would have encountered, as opposed to typing specific terms into a search box.

The point is, different people have different preferences for how they access and share information, and insight into those preferences can help us all communicate better. For that reason, I encourage you to take part in Gardner’s 2015 Media Use in Manufacturing Survey. This important, annual study aims to define how manufacturing professionals like you prefer to learn about new technologies and industry events and developments.

For a media company like Gardner, the benefits of this survey are obvious. But there’s potentially much to gain for you as well. Knowledge of how colleagues, customers and competitors get their information can help determine how best to communicate your own company’s message to the broader market. If you choose to participate, you’ll be among the first to receive the results of this years’ survey—and as far as I know, information about how manufacturers in particular use media isn’t available anywhere else.

Click here to take this years’ survey (rest assured your responses will remain anonymous, and we will only use your contact information to deliver the survey results to you). The results of past years’ surveys can be found here.

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