Moldmaking Technology Magazine

WEBINAR: Now You See It, Now You Don’t

Mold maintenance, and mold cleaning, is something that needs to be done, but who would say it should be celebrated instead of postponed?


Mold maintenance, and mold cleaning,  is something that needs to be done, but who would say it should be celebrated instead of postponed?  Steve Wilson, that's who!

Steve is the director of global business development, plastics and rubber for Cold Jet, LLC, and he has words of wisdom to share when it comes to mold cleaning and dry ice, including: 

1. Dry ice cleaning is so successful on more delicate mold substrates and complex geometries because of its process flexibility.

2. The thermal effect of dry ice cleaning improves its effectiveness.

3. Dry ice will expand around 800 times its size during sublimation, which enables the contaminant to be blown off the mold from the inside out. 

4. Because dry ice blasting is considered non-abrasive and relies on this thermal effect, the process may be applied to a wide range of materials without damage to those substrates.

To hear more about why mold cleaning should not be postponed anymore, click here to register for Steve's free webinar on July 19th, 2pm EST. Topics will include: how to extend the asset life of molds, improving part quality, increase productivity while lowering costs, a benchmark understanding of how the dry ice cleaning process works and improving the work environment: better worker safety, eliminating cleaning chemicals.

Also check out this video on in-machine mold cleaning here



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