Progressive Components

Want to Be a Part of MoldMaking Technology?

This is the magazine for the industry by the industry, so check out ways you can get involved to share your story and/or knowledge.



MoldMaking Technology magazine provides solutions and strategies to moldmaking professionals charged with designing, building and repairing molds.


Technical Articles:

Technical articles should be technical, how-to and/or tip-oriented in nature with respect to current moldmaking equipment, services, technology, strategies and trends. They should always include timely, informative, analytical material supported by sufficient data, if applicable. Articles should not be blatant promotion for a particular company, service or product, although company case studies that detail a product/service/technology success or failure are acceptable. However, please check with the editor on the availability of this format before proceeding.

The editorial department cannot guarantee the publication of any articles received, but does offer its expertise to help authors improve their material, increasing their chances for publication. All article submissions must complete both our internal and Editorial Advisory Board* review process, which could take up to three weeks with the possibility of several re-writes. This is to ensure the best possible editorial for our readership as well as the best representation of your company and its products and services. Please adhere to these guidelines and our article submission deadlines to ensure a speedy and more efficient review process.

The use of photographs, charts, graphs and illustrations is encouraged, as it will help visually enhance the article once published.

The article process is as follows:

  1. Article concept is submitted by interested party and reviewed, or author and editor discuss article topic possibilities.
  2. Outline or brief abstract of the agreed upon topic idea is submitted to show intended focus and format (what will be covered and how it will be covered).
  3. Once concept is finalized a targeted issue is chosen and the final submission deadline is given.
  4. Rough draft is submitted when available.
  5. Redirects and suggested rewrites are shared with the author by the editor after an internal review as well as an Editorial Advisory Board Member* technical review. Between the two parties, this process may take several drafts before completion.
  6. The final draft is submitted with any images and captions by targeted deadline.
  7. Once approved, any minor final editing is done by the staff editor.
  8. If requested, we will send you a copy of the final version.

Manuscripts should be submitted via e-mail to the appropriate editor, along with any images and captions (see photo submission guidelines below). Article length is 800 to 1,500 words, plus a few visuals (images, figures, charts, sidebars, etc.).

Be sure to include any citations, the author’s name and bio, company name, address, phone and fax numbers, and email address.


A Profile provides a general snapshot of a company or organization involved in the mold manufacturing and/or molding. Appearing in MoldMaking Technology offers a number of benefits, including free publicity and exposure to potential customers (a significant portion of MMT’s subscriber base consists of Tier 1 suppliers, custom molders and OEMs). If you believe your organization would be a good subject for a profile, follow the 10 steps below and submit to MMT Senior Editor Cynthia Kustush (

  1. Provide a general biography of your company, including years in business, size of facility,  number of employees, number of apprentices, additional locations, mold types built and/or run, list of most commonly used equipment, and market niche (in terms of industries served, services provided, type of work pursued, or all of the above).   
  2. What do you view as your chief competitive advantage(s)?
  3. What technologies, strategies or processes are most critical to doing that work effectively?
  4. What are examples of the most significant, recent changes (within the past 5 years) in your use of technology or your general approach to business?
  5. What are the most significant ways you expect your business to evolve in the future (expansions, partnerships, etc.), in terms of technology, business strategies, place in the market, or all of the above? Additionally, is your company having a difficult time finding and attracting new employees? Tell us how you are, or are not, addressing the skills gap in the industry.
  6. If applicable, describe how your company is involved in industry organizations or educational programs related to the trade.
  7. How has globalization affected the way you do business?
  8. Relate a notable "best time" for your company (can be more than one).
  9. Include 2-5 photos to accompany article, 300 dpi or larger.
  10. Include a company contact person and phone/e-mail for follow up.

Case Study:

One of the best ways to show technology in action is the case study: A real-world success story in which the “hero” is a product or service that helped a mold-industry user solve a critical problem or address an important challenge. In MoldMaking Technology, these articles typically run between 800 and 1,200 words in length.

Whether you have a customer who’s expressed interest in doing an article or a completed draft, certain attributes make a story or lead far more likely to be considered. To maximize your chances of getting an article published, answer as many of the following questions as possible:

  1. What is the problem or challenge? This could be a bottleneck, a quality issue, unsatisfactory productivity, excessive downtime.
  2. Is it “measurable” and, if so, how? This refers to how long something takes, specs on tolerances or surface finish, etc.—quantities, dimensions, times.
  3. Why is this problem or challenge urgent or serious? For instance, is it causing missed deliveries or lost profits?
  4. What are the details about the technology/product? (What it is, how it works and how, specifically, it helped solve the problem or address the challenge.) It is critical to link specific features and attributes of the product with the benefits experienced by the end user (including measureable benefits like time or dollar savings).  
  5. What has been the impact of addressing the challenge/solving the problem? Strong “before/after” statements and information about “lessons learned” can go a long way.
  6. Can you provide 6-8 high-quality images? Most case studies are submitted complete or developed over the phone, and MMT often relies on the technology supplier or user to provide pictures.   

​​Company Product Information and News:

Readers may submit objective product introductions, company/product brochure descriptions, news items, industry events, training program information and company/employee happenings for publication in our magazine and/or on our website when and where appropriate. Word count: 100-250.

Editing and Exclusivity:

MoldMaking Technology will edit any editorial submissions for content and to conform to our style guide. Contributed feature articles must be exclusive to MMT magazine and must not have been published previously in another publication. Authors may be asked to sign a copyright release or to assign in writing one-time rights to MMT magazine. Prior to submission, make sure that the appropriate company approvals are received. Article ideas can then be discussed with the editor and an abstract or outline will follow. Submitted articles will be edited for content, length and style, but we will send them back to the author or submitting company for review before publication.


  • Images should be in .jpg, .tif, .eps or .psd file formats, with minimum resolution of 300 dpi at a minimum size of 4 × 6 inches. Photographs are also acceptable. All photographic materials must be clear, sharp, in-focus and properly exposed. Captions should be provided for each photograph, and each photograph should be identified.
  • Any cover images submissions, must be 300 dpi and at least 8 x 10 inches. 
  • Compressed (.ZIP) FilesPlease note that we cannot accept .zip files via email. If you need to submit a .zip file, use the file uploader on our publisher’s website available at


Editorial deadlines are two months in advance of the issue date. Contact our editors about six months in advance with story ideas so that we may begin the process of planning the story.



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MoldMaking Technology Magazine
North America’s Premier Molding and Moldmaking Event
North America’s Premier Molding and Moldmaking Event
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Optimized Hot Runner Systems for Packaging
MoldMaking Technology Magazine
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