Mitsubishi EDM

Throwback Thursday: 3S for EDM

Building efficiencies into every aspect of the moldmaking process is essential. Today’s Throwback Thursday feature shows how applying the sort, set and standardize principles of 5S to EDM operations can increase efficiency by minimizing waste.


Building efficiencies into every aspect of the moldmaking process is essential. Today’s Throwback Thursday feature shows how applying the sort, set and standardize principles of 5S to EDM operations can increase efficiency by minimizing waste.

Shops that haven’t evaluated their EDM processes lately, or that don’t know where to begin to use EDM resources and employees’ time more wisely, should revisit this feature to learn how the relevant principles of 5S can be applied.

“3S for EDM” walks you through three of the five 5S Principles: Sort, Set and Standardize. As the author, who is from Ohio Carbon Blank Inc., says, each of these sets a company on a path for continuous improvement. Learn how your shop, no matter the size or budget, can utilize these principles to continually improve your EDM process.

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