North America’s Premier Molding and Moldmaking Event

The People Behind the Shop

Let's get to know the Westminster Tool crew or what Ray Coombs, president of this year's Leadtime Leader Award winning shop, likes to call the "Brat Pack."


With such youth, passion and enthusiasm at Westminster Tool--something the entire industry craves--I decided I'd better get to know this crew better. I wanted to find out how they ended up in manufacturing/moldmaking, at Westminster Tool and where they see themselves in the future.

First up is Kylee Carbone, Westminster's Marketing/Human Resources Coordinator. She was responsible for entering the company into the Leadtime Leader Award Program in the first place. Kudos to Kylee!

Kylee is 24 years old. Prior to working at Westmintser she managed a paint department while going to school full time earning a bachelor of science degree in business administration with a concentration in marketing. She has been with Westminster for 17 months.

I dug a little deeper with some Q&A.


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