Progressive Components

Take a Spring Break to Tool Up

MMT started incorporating molding-focused content a couple years ago as we learned more of our readers were improving their sampling capabilities or getting into production molding. We'll be doing the same with the Amerimold conference this year. However, before we jump that far ahead on our calendars, I wanted to share what sister publication Plastics Technology is up to at its annual Molding conference this spring that just might pique your interest.



MMT started incorporating molding-focused content a couple years ago as we learned more of our readers were improving their sampling capabilities or getting into production molding. We'll be doing the same with the Amerimold conference this year. However, before we jump that far ahead on our calendars, I wanted to share what sister publication Plastics Technology is up to at its annual Molding conference this spring that just might pique your interest.

Just as MMT offers a certain level of molding content, PT does the same with tooling-related content for its audience. And this editorial focus crosses over to PT's conference offerings as well. MMT along with PT are presenting the 26th annual Molding 2016 Conference, March 29-31, in New Orleans. This year the program is offering a special tooling-focused session on Wednesday, March 30, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. with speakers from molders, moldmakers, and hot runner and mold component suppliers. Topics include maintenance, hot runners (advanced monitoring and sequential valve-gating), 3D scanning, spot cooling, multicomponent mold transfer, tungsten carbide core pins and the economics of offshore tooling. Why not take a spring break in New Orleans this year to tool up with new technology and insights for the mold and molding work you do.

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North America’s Premier Molding and Moldmaking Event
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