Straight from the Apprentices’ Mouths
See another side of a shop featured in MMT's April issue, but from the apprentices' viewpoints.
Have apprentices? Make a video that showcases how they are embracing moldmaking as a career.
The April issue of MoldMaking Technology is available on our website! I’m excited to say that in addition to a lot of good articles to read, we enticed one of the companies we wrote about with an opportunity to show another side of itself. We’re so happy they said yes!
Legacy Precision Molds of Grand Rapids, Michigan, is the subject of our profile feature this month. With the profile you’ll be able to view a great video that they produced to tell folks about who they are and what they do best. After seeing what Tyler VanRee, Legacy’s vice president, put together we decided to ask him if he would like to make another video – one from his apprentices’ viewpoints. Tyler was up for the challenge, and you can view the resulting video here.
After viewing this video, you may feel the urge to create your own featuring the apprentices who work in your plant. Or perhaps you already have a video that highlights the next generation of your workforce and why they chose this industry as a career. We want to see your videos!
You see, MoldMaking Technology wants to shed more and more attention on how companies like Legacy Precision Molds are attracting young people to the trade and how those guys and gals are blossoming into tomorrow’s journeymen moldmakers, mold designers, NC operators and programmers—and beyond. We want to see and hear them tell about their journeys in manufacturing. Let me hear from you!
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