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MMT Chats: The Merging, Marketing and Manpower of a Moldmaking/Molding Company

In this 30-minute conversation, Pyramid Molding Group (Industrial Molds and Pyramid Plastics) CEO Andy Peterson and I discuss his fall into moldmaking, how he has applied his accounting and finance background to moldmaking and molding, undertaking a company rebranding effort, and a quick update on COVID’s impact.

Here are a few takeaways to whet your appetite:

  • The greatest change over the years has been becoming more systems-driven. Looking at moldmaking scientifically or academically and acknowledging that we can put numbers to our processes.
  • Forget what your gut says, and look at the numbers. Using numbers, data.
  • We’ve been blessed as we moved through COVID staying relatively busy because of our diversification.
  • Using a Michigan sales office to get closer to customer and land more customers.
  • Merging the mold shop and the molding facility to better service our customers.
  • We lose a lot of sales because the molding shop sales force are just looking for molding sales and our toolmaking sales force are looking for new projects at the beginning. Combining these under the one group will help sales because we’ll keep the whole job all the way through.

Watch the full video chat above, and for more of our archived MMT Chat conversations, click here.

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