
MMT Chats: Lessons in Simulation

This mechanical engineer has a passion for simulation because he has spent most of his career working in injection molding and truly sees the value of detecting problems early in the design phase of a project.


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MMT Chats: Lessons in Simulation

Mark Howards founder of 3D Shapes got his start doing plastic part design before good 3-D CAD tools were available and eventually ended up providing support for a family of CAD/CAM/CAE products that included plastics analysis software.

He started 3D Shapes in 1992 doing complex 3-D surface modeling and using CAE tools to optimize the design phase and then started doing plastics consulting. He’s been consulting ever since, and has a lot of simulation insight to share.

During this quick 10-minute conversation, Mark shares common problems he sees with clients, such as fill pattern, pressure and clamp force requirements,  moving knit lines, best place to gate and non-uniform and high shrinkage, which can lead to dimensional issues, sink and even voids. 

More importantly, he reviews the simulation solution to these issues. Click above for the full conversation.

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