KM CNC Machine Service

Looking to Learn Where Additive Manufacturing Is Headed?

Then check out our new Additive Manufacturing Conference later this month, which will focus on industrial applications of additive technologies for making functional components and end-use production parts with a review of the processes, applications and materials that are essential for implementing AM. Tours of Local Motor's Knoxville facility and Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Manufacturing Demonstration Facility are also included.


Our Additive Manufacturing Conference later this month in Knoxville, Tennessee, will focus on industrial applications of additive technologies for making functional components and end-use production parts ... much like our Additive Manufacturing magazine. 

Our partner in hosting the Conference is Oak Ridge National Laboratory, a leader in additive manufacturing process development. The conference will conclude with a special tour of the Manufacturing Demonstration Facility at ORNL. Attendees will also have the opportunity to tour Local Motor's brand new facility opening in June in Knoxville, where they are printing cars.

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