
Key Elements of a State Skills Strategy

The second of a four-part educational webinar series from MMT, answering the question: What are the Most Effective Ways to Fill the Skills Gap? aired last month and is now available for download. The webinar focuses on an Industry-Driven Approach to Manufacturing Education to Fill the Skills Gap: Key Elements of a State Skills Strategy.


The second of a four-part educational webinar series from MMT, answering the question: What are the Most Effective Ways to Fill the Skills Gap?  aired last month and is now available for download.  The webinar focuses on an Industry-Driven Approach to Manufacturing Education to Fill the Skills Gap: Key Elements of a State Skills Strategy.

This webinar spotlighted The Michigan Advanced Technician Training program (MAT²®), which is an innovative and industry-defined approach to education. The model was developed in conjunction with global technology leaders that combines theory, practice and work to train a globally competitive workforce. Watch video on the program here.

The presenter was Ryan Hundt, a Project Coordinator with the Michigan Economic Development Corporation’s Talent Enhancement unit, working primarily with college retention initiatives and partnership outreach.

Some of the questions raised during the dicussion include:

1) I understand that companies have to pay the tuition fee to the community college over three years. Does this tuition fee cover just credit hours, or does it also cover things like materials, books, supplies, etc.?

2) What happens if a student quits or is fired at any point during the program?

3) What happen if a student decides to leave during the 2-year commitment after they complete the program? (can be coincided with Question 2, since the answer is almost exactly the same).

4) Does the employer have to have a company-designated individual on hand with the students during the work periods, to serve as a mentor?

5) Are there any other occupational areas that MAT2 may expand to in the future?

To hear the answers, listen to the archived webinar here

The next webinar in the series will be: 

September 3, 2015

Getting Real about Manufacturing Education to Fill the Skills Gap: Key Elements of a Local Teaching Strategy

Craig Ceigleski, Cardinal Manufacturing and Jacob Hostettler, Northwoods Manufacturing

Click here to register.

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