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How Do the Candidates Rank?

Will our next president put an emphasis on bringing more manufacturing back to the USA and creating jobs as a way to strengthen our economy? How do you rank the candidates today?


This is an election year and things have been heating up in recent weeks between the front-runners on both sides of the political aisle. As I did during the last three elections, I am constantly thinking about the candidates’ views on free trade and manufacturing. Will our next president put an emphasis on bringing more manufacturing back to the USA and creating jobs as a way to strengthen our economy?

Surely everyone has an opinion by now, and I would like to use this blog to get a discussion going among MMT readers on this topic.

Of the currently leading candidates, including Democrats Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, as well as Republicans Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and Ben Carson, do you, MMT readers, see any clear “leader” on the issues of free trade and rebuilding manufacturing in the USA?

Based on what you have heard from each candidate, does anyone stand out to you as the one who has the best chance of getting your vote (at this point) and why? Who is least likely, today, to get your vote and why?

I have watched most of the debates and I know that these issues don’t get as much airplay as others do but it has been good to see more than the usual gratuitous nod to the subject. We are seeing more discussion and debate, even if it’s not enough.

So please share your thoughts here and let’s get a healthy discussion going within our moldmaking community. I hope to hear from many of you soon and let’s carry this conversation through the coming months, leading to the election. Other subtopics can also be addressed as they pertain to US manufacturers and our industry in particular.

To get your mind going on this topic, here are a few informative websites that are focused on the presidential race:



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