Data Flute

Moldmakers Do Better Setups than Bartenders

If you can't tell from that headline, it's that time of year again. Time for you to send us your top 10 reasons to be a moldmaker, so we can create our annual free t-shirt giveaway that shows off the industry's humor! Here is a taste of some of our past winning entries to help get you thinking in the right direction.


It is that time of year again. Time for you to send us your top 10 reasons to be a moldmaker, so we can create our annual free t-shirt giveaway that shows off the industry's humor! Here is a taste of some of our past winning entries:

Free, hot glycol showers.

Women love all the small cuts on your hands.

You can always throw your mistakes under your neighbor’s bench.

The hot chip burns on your cheek make you look like the Marlboro Man.

It’s fun to prove engineers wrong.

Free manicures, submitted by Lefty and Tommy Two Fingers.

Why let the Chinese have all the fun?

Where else can you run a five-ton overhead crane without a license?

The wife makes unique Jell-O desserts.

It let's me fill deep cavities with a hard tool all day long.

Send me yours today by clicking HERE. And be sure to register for Amerimold 2016 this June 15-16 in Novi, Michigan, so you can pick up your 2016 Top 10 t-shirt!



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