KM CNC Machine Service

Back in the Game!

After taking a break from the business he founded in 1991, Eric Marlow repurchased his company and just moved into a new facility.



Eric Marlow founded Plasticraft Molds back in 1991. He worked hard and enjoyed what he did, but made the decision to sell the company in 2003. For two years he dabbled in other ventures, but still kept in touch with former employers and customers. He told me that he would always be involved in some sort of conversation about part design, new equipment, mold design, etc. So, when he discovered the company that purchased Plasticraft closed its doors, Eric made the decision to jump back into the business. “My wife and I decided to get back into the trade as we very much missed it,” he said. Soon after he reopened his facility and the work came flowing in, the company began to outgrow the facility. You can read about how Plasticraft’s expansion has led to exciting new business opportunities here!

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